ConstructionOnline Press Releases

New Project and Opportunity Numbering Now Available for ConstructionOnline™

Written by UDA Corporate Newsroom | November 17, 2022

UDA Technologies recently released automatic Project Numbering for ConstructionOnline™ Projects and Opportunities. When enabled, the brand-new feature automatically assigns a customized number to any newly created Project or Opportunity within the ConstructionOnline Company Account. 

Project Numbering for ConstructionOnline utilizes customizable settings that create a “Mask” and “Seed”, which will determine the number applied to new Projects or Opportunities when created. The “Mask” consists of any combination of characters and may also use automated fields such as Year, Month, Day, and Number. The “Seed” assigns the initial number for the character set that follows the Mask and is the starting point for all future Project or Opportunity Numbers. While numbering schemes for Projects and Opportunities are managed independently, there is also an option to apply the same numbering scheme for both Projects and Opportunities. More information about new Project Numbering can be found here

“We are very excited for our clients to start implementing the new Project and Opportunity Numbering feature! At UDA Technologies, we aim to create innovative and modern software solutions engineered for the ultimate success of our clients. Automatic Project and Opportunity Numbering saves valuable time, ensures correct formatting company-wide, and reduces the chance of input error—plus, it only needs to be set up once!” 

- Holly Gipson, Director of Sales

More than 850,000 construction professionals trust ConstructionOnline as the #1 solution for construction project management with industry-leading solutions for financial management, project tracking, document management, and more. To learn more about ConstructionOnline™, contact a UDA Product Specialist at 1-800-700-8321.