ConstructionOnline Press Releases

Cut It Out: New Tools for Measurement Deductions in Redline Takeoff

Redline Takeoff, UDA's revolutionary cloud-based takeoff software, recently introduced new cutout tools to the expansive library of takeoff capabilities. Construction professionals will now be able to deduct from Area or Volume takeoff measurements, with support for Roof and Wall measurements coming in future updates. Some of the highlights of this new feature include: 

Topics: Redline Takeoff

New for ConstructionOnline: AIA Payment Applications

With the latest update to ConstructionOnline's industry-leading accounting integration, users can now effortlessly generate AIA payment applications in minutes. ConstructionOnline's Desktop Assistant, Socket, powers the unique integration between web-based ConstructionOnline & desktop versions of QuickBooks, and new Application for Payment capabilities include:

Topics: Quickbooks Integration