ConstructionOnline Press Releases

Announcing ConstructionOnline Basics: Flexible Monthly Subscription Options for Best-in-Class Construction Software

AUBURN, AL -- UDA Technologies is thrilled to announce ConstructionOnline Basics, a new portfolio of software subscription packages starting at $99 per month.  A flexible new version of ConstructionOnline - UDA’s top-ranked construction management software - ConstructionOnline Basics deliver the same industry-leading power, quality, and advanced technology in cost-effective, customizable packages. 

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline ConstructionOnline Mobile

ConstructionOnline Mobile Upgraded with React Native Framework

CO™ Mobile, the industry-leading mobile companion to ConstructionOnline, recently underwent a massive update as the app was fully modernized to a React Native framework. This update promises to extend the life of the current iteration of CO™ Mobile and enhances the power & performance of the app across all modern browsers and devices. 

Topics: ConstructionOnline Mobile

Exclusive Pre-Release: New Envoy™ Chat for ConstructionOnline™ 2020

UDA Technologies is excited to announce an exclusive pre-release of New Envoy™ Chat for ConstructionOnline 2020. Envoy™ Chat is now available for all current ConstructionOnline™ subscribers. 

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline Project Communication ConstructionOnline Mobile

New Time Tracking Now Available

This week, UDA Technologies announced the release of New Time Tracking for ConstructionOnline 2020 – a much-anticipated upgrade to the industry-leading project management platform. Time Tracking for ConstructionOnline 2020 includes UDA Time Clock for all Company Employees, as well as an advanced set of new features.

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline Time Tracking ConstructionOnline Mobile