ConstructionOnline Press Releases

Introducing UDA's TrueStar™ Database Engine, Exclusive to ConstructionOnline

UDA Technologies recently introduced the UDA TrueStar™ Database Engine, ConstructionOnline's powerful, proprietary database. The UDA TrueStar™ Engine powers ConstructionOnline with advanced health monitoring that delivers exceptional reliability, increased efficiency, and unparalleled performance. 

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline

ConstructionOnline Mobile Upgraded with React Native Framework

CO™ Mobile, the industry-leading mobile companion to ConstructionOnline, recently underwent a massive update as the app was fully modernized to a React Native framework. This update promises to extend the life of the current iteration of CO™ Mobile and enhances the power & performance of the app across all modern browsers and devices. 

Topics: ConstructionOnline Mobile