ConstructionOnline Press Releases

ConstructionOnline™ Expands Knowledge Base with Helpful, Direct FAQ Resources to Further Product Adoption

AUBURN, ALABAMA – Well-known for providing the industry’s highest-rated customer service, support, and training resources, UDA is excited to showcase a new series of articles recently added to the ConstructionOnline Knowledge Base. ConstructionOnline’s newly added Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) articles are designed to provide direct, concise answers to common user inquiries - making it easy to succeed using the industry’s leading construction management software.

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline

ConstructionOnline™ Improves Construction Project Communication with New & Improved Reminders

AUBURN, ALABAMA – ConstructionOnline recently announced the implementation of new, enhanced Reminders across several features in the construction management software, including Requests for Information (RFIs), Permit Tracking, and Insurance & Certificate Tracking. The new & improved Reminder Settings introduce two new core functions: the ability to manage custom email templates and the ability to set up automated reminders. 

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline RFIs