ConstructionOnline Press Releases

New Features for Project Logging


July 20, 2012

Over the past three months, the new Project Logging service for ConstructionOnline has been met with an incredible amount of positive feedback. While currently in Beta for current users, many who have taken advantage of Project Logging have been able to better manage their current projects with the full set of high-quality features and reporting tools that the system offers.

You Talked. We Listened.

The ConstructionOnline Development team has taken user feedback into account and has worked on adding new administrative functionality to the Logging service. With new capabilities, administrators will be able to edit past entries, modifying data that is incomplete or needs adjustment. These features round out a system that is much more flexible and accessible than traditional logging systems. With ConstructionOnline, a secure online database stores all of your project information and gives you complete access to your entire project's history from wherever you might be.

Growing to Meet Your Needs

With Project Logging already being used by thousands of companies, more features will be joining the line-up of ConstructionOnline Pro Features over the next few months. ConstructionOnline developers have been hard at work adding online Calendars, To-dos, and Scheduling to the already feature-rich platform.

With ConstructionOnline Project Logging, you can finish your logging quickly without the stress of keeping paper logs and files. Once you upload your attachments and enter notes, ConstructionOnline handles the rest by organizing and storing it for you by date for easy future access. Learn More

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